
  • "I am proud that our new Circular Plastics group published its first completely in-house research," Kim Ragaert says. She founded the research group three years ago, when she moved to Maastricht. Her work has laid the foundations for many innovations in the field of plastic recycling, and she is...

  • Emily O’Reilly has held the position of EU Ombudsman for over a decade, ensuring the transparency of the EU institutions by investigating high-profile cases of maladministration and promoting good governance. On June 20, 2024, she gave a keynote address at the conference “Between narratives and...

  • Article  "T. rex is Fierce, T. rex is Charismatic, T. rex is Litigious: Disruptive Objects in Affective Desirescapes" by Donna Yates and Emily Peacock presenting T. rex fossils as disruptive objects that can drastically influence the actions and reactions of humans that encounter them.

  • ROA publishes new research on international students' stay rates and impact on labor market estimates

  • Imagine this: as a newly graduated master's student, you get to share the insights you gained during your research at an international conference. This happened to Bram Mennen. At the end of June 2024, he presented the results of his thesis on the training data of top cyclist Annemiek van Vleuten at...

  • In this article, Emilie Sitzia, a Comenius Leadership Fellow at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Maastricht University, explores how to think and do PBL otherwise, that is, how to (re)integrate our 8 senses into Problem-Based Learning.1

  • Fair and Smart Data (FSD) researcher Niklas Mensing attended the World Cocoa Conference in Brussels this year. In his blog, he shares personal learnings and thoughts from the conference proceedings and highlights some of the industry's core issues. 

  • Moving on your own to a new country with a different culture and language and without a support network can be challenging. Master's student Beverlianne Green therefore quickly realised she wanted to get involved with the local community.  Through the Personal & Professional Development Portal of...

  • Drawing blood, inserting an IV, or looking into the ear; even seemingly simple medical procedures can cause anxiety, pain, and stress in children. According to pediatric intensivist Piet Leroy, comfort and trust are just as important as the medical treatment itself. Therefore, he is researching how...

  • First-generation non-Western immigrant women more competitive than Dutch women. This and more is shown in research by Dr. Özge Gökdemir and Prof. Devrim Dumludağ of Maastricht University.